domenica 5 dicembre 2010

Galateo....what is this?

Sorry...sorry for yesterday...but I went to bed late....late...late again.
I didn't write the blog post....
But today I have a surprise for you...

Do you search a girlfriend or a boyfriend Don't you feel polite, educated and conqueror enough? is a prolblem of Bon Ton. Bon Ton?

What'is this?

Ok my reader...through my blog I want to explain how you have to history part....reciept....and all is useful to find a girlfriend or a boyfriend....



Word "GALATEO"..."Etiquette" in english was born 1558, thanks to Galeazzo Florimonte, Bishop of Sessa. He was the inspiration for Monsignor Giovanni della Casa, whoo wrote the first book about good and civil life: "Galateo ovvero dei costumi".
The book has been translated into major foreign languages and it conquisted all Europe. In Italy it represents the code of laws regulating social relations.

Today good manners are necessary and they are virtues: a way to stand, to be elegant and refined and to leave a good first impression. 
Etiquette is not only appearance and good's a style be kind....always pay!

- Present yourserlf;
- Greet;
- How to welcome guests;
- How to stay in front a table;
- How to serve food on the table;
- How to eat difficult foods;
- How to use the mobile and computer;

These are the topics of my appreciate and to be appreciate.
Simple dimostrate attention and respect to other people.

Galateo and your synonims

Bon Ton, Buona Educazione, Etichetta, Etiqueta in spanish and Etiquette in french.
Etichetta is not "Ethic" (= part of the Philosophy, speaks about what is good, ok and correct). Etichetta is a small Ethic used for dealy problems...

Hear you tomorrow for the begin of the lesson.

Good night.

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