martedì 23 novembre 2010

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Say a particular hello to my reader from Singapore...I'm very surprised...follow me always and,if you want, write me a comment. I wait them!

I've never visited Singapore and the rest of East world....but my sister Chiara...she is a very important chemical researcher and she visited Japan different times. She showed me fantastic photos of places, people and strange things...

Perhaps....I'll visit Honk Kong, Singapore, Tokyo or...wherever in East World.

I've just spoken with my part of family (mum, dad, sister....& co)....New York city is beautiful. It's sunny day...not cold...And they obliged me to stop writing....
It's too late...

Ok...but I want to finish with a phrase of my favourite writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
( so my favourite book is "The Little Prince".

J'adore Le Petit est mon héros.

I dedicate it to my love...far from me...but always present in my hearth.

"Love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking together in the same direction"

Good night....for tonight.


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