lunedì 22 novembre 2010

I hate.....and my Nutrition

I hate one-way streets and in particular streets without ends. I walked in these ways...and I met bad company.....
And I don't always go into my world... I'd like that my come to me....It's my mind...sorry.

Ok are you
I'm tired...I think that I did too sports in these days.
And my training? Somebody tryed my exercise?
I followed my scheme of's wonderful!
I'm very happy to try the second day of training.

For my nutrition...bhe...I'm not a good cooker but, if I can, I follow an very very very healthy diet.
I studied different books about nutritio for people who practise sport and I learned to eat correctly.

My favourite foods.(useful for athletes..and everybody)

Vegetables and fruit

Meat (chicken-turkey-beef.... detest pig!)
Fish (Tuna, salmon, tilapia...ect)
Eggs (I love eggs)
Cheese (Grana-Cottage cheese-Ricotta)
Skinny Milch, Jogurt, Protein Powder

Brow rice, oat meal, brown bread, rice crackers, sweet potatoes (uhm....)
Spicy and Erbs
Oil...(no butter)

I don't like desserts....but sometimes I eat them

Water, Coca Cola Zero, Coffee, Te

I cook these foods in simple way....I often grill all type of meat and fish...boiled vegetables....

My cook and trainer teacher is Tosca Reno...
...a beautiful woman who has change the world of fitness.
She is my guru.She is my hero.
Thank you from my heart.

Hear you again
Ciao Bea

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